- エルロチニブ→点状表層角膜炎・眼瞼外反・角膜潰瘍・角膜穿孔[1]、睫毛乱生・長毛化[5]
- パニツムマブ→角膜上皮欠損・角膜穿孔[1]、睫毛乱生・長毛化[5]
- ゲフィチニブ→結膜炎・前部ぶどう膜炎[2]
- トラスツズマブ→ドライアイ、流涙・羞明・結膜炎[3]、乳頭浮腫・網膜出血・網膜動脈および静脈閉塞[4]
- イマチニブ→、嚢胞様黄斑浮腫(CME)[6]、眼窩周囲浮腫・流涙症[7、8]、外眼筋麻痺・眼瞼下垂[8]
- トリフルリジン・チピラシル配合錠→角膜障害[5]
- クリゾチニブ→羞明感・視野障害[5]、結膜浮腫[9]
- アレクチニブ→羞明感・視野障害[5]、明暗調節異常[10]
- セリチニブ→羞明感・視野障害[5]
- エンコラフェニブ・ビニメチニブ併用療法→漿液性網膜剥離(7.3%)・ぶどう膜炎(2.6%)[5]。漿液性網膜剥離は薬剤投与後数時間で発症する場合が多い[12]。休薬により速やかに改善するが、重症例ではステロイドパルスやステロイド硝子体注射を行う場合がある。
- Ocular adverse events of systemic inhibitors of the epidermal growth factor receptor: report of 5 cases
- Anterior Uveitis Caused by Ocular Side Effects of Afatinib: A Case Report
- The ophthalmological complications of targeted agents in cancer therapy: what do we need to know as ophthalmologists?
- Ocular adverse events of molecularly targeted agents approved in solid tumours: a systematic review
- あたらしい眼科 vol.38,No.11,1293,2021
- Imatinib as a cause of cystoid macular edema following uneventful phacoemulsification surgery
- Periorbital oedema and epiphora as ocular side effects of imatinib mesylate (Gleevec)
- Ocular side-effects associated with imatinib mesylate (Gleevec)
- Chronic Conjunctival Chemosis-A New Ocular Side Effect of Crizotinib
- The ophthalmological complications of targeted agents in cancer therapy: what do we need to know as ophthalmologists?
- Ocular Toxicity of Targeted Anticancer Agents
- Retinal toxicities of systemic anticancer drugs